Alibis of Miss Stevenson and the Suttons (N° 2)

I was at home last Thursday. I arrived about eight o'clock in the evening. At home I did nothing much. The Suttons and I went to bed early -at about ten o'clock. I was rather tired after the journey. And the Suttons didn't leave the house after I had gone to bed. I know this, because my bedroom is next to theirs. I can remember, when I was reading in bed, I could hear them talking together in the next room. They were talking rather loudly, as a matter of fact, and I couldn't sleep. It wasn't until after eleven that they stopped. Well I thought I heard a car starting outside the house; it must have been about half past ten. But I suppose I was wrong, because the Suttons were talking in the next room, and there was nobody else in the house this evening. So it couldn't have been a car.
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ali-stev.htm/dead-end (c) Gerdzen 1997 1998