The Castle

The castle was built in the 10th century by a rich man who was called Ferdinand XXVII. He wanted to hide his daugther Melinda there because she wanted to marry a poor man who made music in the streets. He was afraid that the man only wanted to marry her in order to get all his money. She got all things she needed but she wanted to go out. In  937 Melinda died of suicide. She hung herself in the castle's dungeons. The musician killed Ferdinand XXVII. because he thought, that Melinda's father was the murderer. The musician lived in the castle till his lonely end. Since those days nobody has lived in the castle except for ghosts and little ugly animals. In the 17th century the castle and many houses in the surroundings fell victim to a great fire. The castle was reconstructed by Lord Parcival III. and was the home for the Count of Great Stapelton. Today the castle is open for visitors of the whole world.


castle01.htm/dead-end  (c) Gerdzen 1997 1998